Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Fractal Theory of Literature

Assumption: poetry consists of sound and sense.

The sound is that of a beating heart.

The sense is one of yearning to return.


  1. Sweet metaphors! Thoughts...memories? (Poe comes to all we see or seem but a dream within a dream?)

  2. From intuition to wisdom. 7 dimentional. And I have read more than once that once we leave here, this 'life', it is the same...a journey to acheive that spiritual growth & wisdom. I've heard these steps in the journey called 'levels'...and yet it is a journey of the spirit. (Mazlov's Heirarchy of Needs comes to mind) The 'Energy'. (The 1st Law of Thermodynics comes to mind) This is the way 'I' understood that law...that 'man' cannot create, NOR can he destroy Energy. And how I perceived that told me that both religion and science say that my daughter is not gone...she's just not 'here'...'now'. I don't know whether or not I understood that law correctly...and I would LOVE some feedback here...
    Class of '69 here...been a LONG time since I last was in a school...but I get it. ('I' think!) :)


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