Monday, May 18, 2009

Wu Li

Wu Li

As patterns of organic energy
we think we move
Wave functions interacting
may be closer to the truth
Dancing with the shadows
on the wall of the cave
You get used to being excited
by another wave

But wave functions today
interact less lastingly
The fourth dimension is dynamic
and so are we
So many opportunities
for us to explore
You left me outside the domain
when you found a new door

Wu Li
The ripples just crossed my mind again
I remember being in love
My God, how we rippled the universe
forever somewhere in love

When once two wave functions have met
in harmonic convergence
They set up ripples that describe
that cosmic event
Throughout the universe our love
is transmitted
As the fourth dimension echoes
forever unlimited

Wu Li
The ripples just crossed my mind again
I remember being in love
My God, how we rippled the universe
forever somewhere in love

Now and then the wave function
that is me
Finds itself at a junction in
fourth dimensionality
An echoing valley
in the landscape of time
Where I'm swept by ripples of passion
that you and I defined

Wu Li
The ripples just crossed my mind again
I remember being in love
My God, how we rippled the universe
forever somewhere in love


  1. I've wondered about reincarnation myself. I've heard the arguements from both sides...and again, I sit with a leg on each side and my mind in the middle. Something I've wondered if there is a connection, between reincarnation and deja vu. Those times when you KNOW that you have 'been here & done that' before...but not in this lifetime.

  2. Or is deja vu just a glitch in the matrix? I've heard it happens when they change something...

  3. Continual. Circular. The sound of a beating of a heart, and the yearning to return. I just re-read what you wrote dj in my blog under Fractals and Strange Loops & commented again. The way I understand it, fractals are the visual of the same thing inside the same thing inside the same thing, etc. Am I understanding correctly the definition of 'loops'? Are they too circular? I wouldn't be afraid to say that they are continual. Brain burp :) A FB friend of mine posted something today that made total sense to me. I have asked for his permission to quote. I have also invited him to join in. Am waiting for a reply.


  5. Lynda Lee at 9:59pm May 20
    Bruce...may I post your status on project consciousness please? I will give you full credit...or not if you prefer, for it. PeaceBruce Magnotti at 11:44pm May 20
    Sure sweetheart, perhaps it will convince me to get involved.

  6. Bruce, who is quite the 'thinker', and his woman, Simone, who is absolutely adorable and gorgeous, are Aerial Artists out of Seattle, WA. Here is Bruce's status post that I previously referred to:
    Bruce Magnotti is understanding that the "spiritual" component of the universe is the energy. The particles and the space are the material aspect, the energy is the spiritual aspect. The source of that energy is not out in some fabled heaven, but right within our being.

  7. Yes, that would be one way to put it, Lynda: "fractals are the visual of the same thing inside the same thing inside the same thing, etc." This is because they are based upon self-referential equations of the form

    z sub-(n + 1) = z sub-n squared + c

    In other words, you use the previous iteration of each point in the display to calculate the next point. Isn't that just the kind of constructivist metaphor that seems to dictate life and consciousness? Each point in time is built upon the previous point; each point in learning is built upon the last.

    And, yes, you are understanding correctly that 'loops' can be thought of as circular, but, of course, that too is a metaphor.

  8. So would Bruce agree that "the kingdom of heaven is within?" It makes sense to me. But then ... what isn't?

  9. dj, would you say that 'strange loops' are always circular, or could they be spiral?

  10. Hofstadter's notion of "strange loops" are, in fact, not simply circular, but "gyrical," as W.B. Yeats would say. Because they are recursive and self-referential, strange loops can be said to cross thresholds of consciousness as they "ascend" each time they come around. So, yes, strange loops spiral into greater levels of awareness. Why -- what are you thinking?

  11. I was thinking that a spiral, when it comes to mind, is not a simple circle, but several or many circles in motion...spiraling. Multiple circles, much like the fractal picture in my blog, under 'Fractals & Strange Loops.' OK...a slinky came to my mind, :) but not necessarily going down steps! :) But going somewhere. It's the 'word' thing...and how we have the ability to manipulate words. And then visualizing about walking in a 7 dimensional universe... :) A mere 3 dimensions would be so...sad.
    (llee's next blog...'Choices'.)
    Speaking of words, I've been pondering 'They'. So I'm thinking of watching "The Matrix" again tonight. And get into my notes from 2510.

  12. dj,

    The source of the kingdon of heaven would be within, for sure. The manifestation of it on Earth would be the expression of the purity of the life energies through the sentient organism.


  13. "Divinity" is an energetic concept. A being is "divine" when that being is expressing the energies of life in the virtues of unconditional love, compassion, creative intelligence, true humility, and gratitude.

    We all have the capacity to be divine and hence to understand spiritual realities. The fairy tales of our "classical" understandings of God, the angels, and heaven are beginning to collapse under the burden of scientific discovery and enhanced insight and understanding. All religions, including agnosticism and atheism, can find similarities in their philosophies rather than differences.

    Jesus said it, he said "I and the Father are one", when scolded by the religious leaders he pointed out the Old Testament scripture that affirmed "You are all gods". They did not understand him then and they certainly do not understand him now. We are all composed of the divine energy, the life force energies that have their source, not in a fabled heaven somewhere in another place or dimension, but in the heaven of our inner being, the empty space of consciousness.

    A new age of enlightenment is manifesting, the current "dark ages" are coming to an end. The concept of God as the aspect of energy in our world is being understood. Our universe is composed of particles of matter, space, and energy. We know from Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, that matter and energy can transmute, and this fact itself may lend clues to a more spiritual existence. However, the world we live in is one where there is an interaction between the matter and the energy that mirrors the interaction between the material world and the spiritual world.

  14. dj and llee, the "bookshelf" might have the following:

    Total Freedom - J. Krishnamurti
    Tao Te Ching - Trans. Jonathan Star
    The Final Truth - Ramesh Balsekar

  15. Thanks for adding to my pile of 'must reads' Bruce! :)


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